Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Art of Benching - Synthesis -



The Art of Benching


1 Shoud

we’re going to be looking, in this year of benching, we’re going to be looking at the changes that come about the planet. Sometimes not always easy changes, sometimes very difficult ones, but we’re going to be observing the changes as a direct result of the benching and the radiating of your light.

The Nature of Zero

Adamamatics, Adamus Mathematics

Most of you are familiar with zero. You know, zero has not been a part of mathematics for really not that long. I would say barely over about 500 years. So, humanity has gone all this time with no zero, and finally somebody discovered zero. Isn’t it kind of interesting, that it all has to do with consciousness? Things aren’t discovered till consciousness is ready, even though they’re sitting right there in front of you. It’s the same with the Atlanteans, really didn’t see the stars, barely really perceived the sun and the moon. They knew it was there, but the stars weren’t even in their consciousness. Same with zero. Same with zero. It just wasn’t in consciousness until, I would say, actually about 800 years ago. And then it was just a great big theory and it was subject to a lot of debate. There were a lot of people that said, “There is no zero. It has to start somewhere.” Others said, “Zero is actually really not a number,” which actually it’s really not. It’s not really a number, but it’s the zero point. It’s the beginning point.

Feel into zero for a moment. It’s a fascinating non-number, but it’s associated with mathematics. Zero. And that’s where we’re going with this Art of Benching – to zero, back to zero

ADAMUS: Just when she thinks she’s getting a rest. And if you would, draw in the center of the page, maybe approximately six inches tall, a zero. A nice round zero. There you go. Good. And then, if you would, to the right side extending out a “+1, +2, +3,” just going from left to right off the side, like off the east part of the zero – “+1, +2, +3, +4” – and so on and so forth. Off the left side of the zero, the west side, “-1, -2, -3, -4,” so on, so forth. And then on the north or the top of the zero, a little caret going up, “^1, ^2, ^3, ^4, ^5, ^6” going up. LINDA: Okay. ADAMUS: Yeah, like that. Good. Good. And then underneath, a caret going down, “v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6.” This is real simple Adamus mathematics – Adamamatamat … (Adamus chuckles). I can’t even say that.

So, and now, Linda, to top it all off, would you put a dot in the middle of that zero. A dot. That’s the zero point. That’s you essentially, and every number on that board that Linda has drawn, every number represents an experience or an aspect or a reality.

Now, the fact is most humans, they have a very linear “left to right” reality base. Mathematics are generally based on this here (pointing to numbers on the right side of the zero). And you can combine these numbers – add them, subtract them, divide them, whatever you want to do, multiply them – you can combine them to create an experience. You can take a “1” and a “3” and put it together and you’ve got “4.” And you could put a “4” and a “10” together and “14” and divide that by “7,” whatever you want to do. But this is symbolic of the nature of reality. This could also be your past lives. Perhaps you would place that on the left side of the zero. Your past lives all lined up. Past experiences is really what they are. And then I had Linda draw the numbers on the top and the bottom extending up and down, because reality and even mathematics doesn’t just go in a linear format, either left-to-right or rightto-left. Reality is also all around, and if you really wanted to be accurate in this example, there would be numbers placed all around the board. So, Linda, just randomly put numbers anywhere you want, anywhere on the board …

ADAMUS: So, basically this says that every number or combination of numbers is an experience or a reality. You can have experiences independent of being locked into a reality form. You can go off and have an experience, which oftentimes you do at night in your dream state; you can go off and have an experience and it’s not locked into a reality, like this human very linear reality that we have right now.

Ultimately, it all comes back to zero, back to the center, which oddly enough now looks like a circumpunct or the symbol for consciousness. You can go out and have all these experiences, these combinations of numbers. Most of the time, as I said, the humans, they stay in this (left-to-right) realm.

If you would just underline that, Linda, and put an arrow right at the right end of it. Most humans look at life very linearly, and they incarnate back along that same linear line. They combine the numbers in a variety of different ways and, again, the numbers simply represent experience, or it could be an aspect or lifetime, but they start combining the numbers and the numbers could go into the billions and trillions and whatever.

They can get very, very complex, and then you have all the different ways of dividing or calculating with the numbers. It’s the same way of saying in your life you’re picking energy – in this case on the board, it’s numbers –picking energies, combining them, merging them together to create your experiences. But at the basis of all this is zero, which actually is not a number. It’s simply a starting point.

But what humans don’t do is experience in these other realities. They stay on this level. It’s comfortable. It’s safe. They’re used to the physical reality. But you could be going up and down. You could be – well, this could be your past lives that you could be experiencing right now, if you chose to, but generally not. You’re focused on this. You could be out here just scattered all around having an experience independent of a specific reality. And the point of all this is ultimately you always go back to zero.

Zero is not really zero. It’s just a beginning point. Zero is not a number that you combine with other numbers. Zero is not a number that you use to divide other numbers. It’s a placeholder, in a way. It’s a beginning point of experience.

And the reason why I bring this up at this Shoud today, and the importance of it, is that’s what we’re doing. We’re going back to zero. It doesn’t mean we’re starting all over, because you’ve had all these other experiences that are kind of shown on the board. You’ve got all these other experiences, but now we come back to zero. Zero is not filled with any numbers, per se, but zero now has a tremendous amount of wisdom. And zero, now coming back to that as a starting place, you now realize you don’t have to have a new experience. You don’t have to get back on the linear human, the “+1, +2, +3, +4.” You can choose whatever you want and you can experience it however you want. You can do it in a variety of different realms, if you want.

Back to Zero Point

Take a moment to feel into zero again. Not a number. You don’t combine it with the others, but it’s always that beginning point, what humans often call the zero point. That’s where we’re at. You’ve had all these experiences in this lifetime. You’ve run the gamut of this linear experience for many, many, many lifetimes, and now we’re back at the zero point. What does that mean?

You’re still carrying some vestiges of old wounds and old issues with you, as we come back here. Those will dissolve away

After journeying out into this universe, in this cosmos of numbers, which really are just experiences, you’re coming back to the zero point. That’s the park bench. That’s the park bench. It’s the zero point that we come back to.

Along the way, some Shaumbra dropped out. Quite a few Shaumbra dropped out, for a variety of reasons. Perhaps I offended them. I can’t possibly imagine that, but perhaps I did. Perhaps I even tried to get rid of them, because they were so ingrained with their issues. They were so adamant about holding on to them and blaming somebody else. They were tilting at their windmills. They were fighting ghosts that weren’t there. They were obsessed with their own challenges. They hung on to them, whether it was a family situation or a relationship or their self-worth, whatever it happened to be. They really weren’t ready to be here. And it was better for them not to be, because it would have had an effect on everybody else.

Let it shine into your body. It’s not going to try to change your biology, but it will make it very clear to you that, first of all, that old body that you’ve been lugging around really wasn’t yours. It’ll shine a light to show you what your real, what your true what I call Free Energy Body is. Let it shine into every part of your biology.

Let it shine in, because pretty soon Kuthumi is going to be working with you on your real light body. Let the light shine in right now so that when he starts working with you, you can easily and gracefully bring in that full light body.

You know how you see a house in the early evening, the sun’s gone down, but the sky still has a little bit of light in it, and suddenly lights in the houses start coming on. That’s such a beautiful sight, and that golden glow just pours out of the windows in the house. Ah, it looks so inviting, so warm and safe in there.

What a beautiful sight. Everything is quiet, peaceful, but all the lights start coming on. When you think at first that, “Oh, it’s the neighbors. It’s some other people, and it’s getting dark out, so they’re turning on their lights.” But look again. It’s not other people, it’s other “yous.” It’s your past lives, because when you open that door in your house, it also opened a door in theirs. It’s your past lives, your, what you could call, future lives, even though you start to realize there’s no such thing as past or future. They’re just experiences. They’re all numbers on the board. And you’re the zero.

Feel into that for a moment. The simple act, the simple art of benching starts with you, starts right now and affects everything that you are.

Not trying to change a thing, but simply saying, “I Am that I Am. I Exist.” This is the Art of Benching.

What’s happening right now, in this very simple benching experience, that light is going out to every one of them, and their lives are changing. Their experience. Their numbers are no longer on that linear left-to-right path, using a very limited number of numbers to create experience. Suddenly, it all changes for them. Suddenly, instead of being stuck on a certain path, they’re free. That also frees you. You’ve gotten this far, and I ask, I nearly beg, please don’t work on your problems. You really don’t have any. Don’t engage in duality battles. Oh, the rest of the world, they’re really good at it right now and there’s a lot of it going on, but there’s no need for you to do that. There’s no battles. There’s no causes. You are simply, simply consciousness and light on the planet.

So this is what we’re here for. Not to solve problems and not to obsess about issues and not to worry about politics, not to struggle with health issues or money. Those are gone now. Those are behind you. We’re here for the Art of Benching.

Shoud 2

I’m going to go through a benching merabh with you today later, and it’s just benching. I mean, it’s pretty easy. You don’t need a lot of training. You don’t need a lot of schooling for it. It’s just benching. You sit your arse on a bench or a chair, whatever it happens to be, grab your favorite beverage or snack, take a few deep breaths, put on some music if you want and bench, meaning letting your light shine out to the world. That’s pretty easy. And then observe what happens.

the story of Giuseppe, the sculptor. Not as good as my story (Linda snorts) getting trapped in – you knew that was coming (Linda giggles). Not as good as my story of being trapped in the crystal prison, but yet another iteration of it, one that leads into part of our discussion for today.

One of the things that you’re going to find happening to you right now – or has been happening to you – is that sense of identity that you shaped and created and sculpted for yourself and molded for yourself and then kind of got stuck in, it’s breaking away.

Not trapped in a single identity, other than arguably the I Am that I Am. But the I Am that I Am isn’t a definition. It’s consciousness. It’s not a statue. It’s open flowing air.

What’s the difference between consciousness and thought?

... as I told the attendees at the workshop, you’ll never forget that when you say, “Oh, it’s so hard not to use words when I’m being in energy communication and my mind slips into words and I slip into words.” Yeah, that’s when I say, “Yeah, you don’t need words really.” Words can be turds. They can stop the natural open expression, but that’s not the point I wanted to make for the board here...


.... ” Write that on the board, “I Am that I Am,” four dots. That’s consciousness. I mean, it’s put into words, yes, but it’s not super-defined, and the four dots at the end mean that now go into the experience. It’s not defined. It’s open ended. It’s a feeling now that can then go into anything and experience. It can go into a thought. “I Am that I Am” and then four dots.

Thoughts are structured. Thoughts are temporary. Thoughts are like sculptures or statues. They’re defined, and then there’s a period at the end. That’s the end of it.

The mind is very obedient. What’s happening right now with the mind, because of your consciousness coming more now into awareness, is the mind is starting to obey, saying, “It’s time that we shift the whole way we do our thoughts and reality thing. It’s time now where consciousness comes in and is the big light, the big overall picture. The thoughts jump in to help shape that reality without over-defining it. The mind is very obedient right now, even though it feels like it’s been resisting, and saying, “I’m ready for a change.” Would you feel into that for a moment, into your own brain, your own mind? You have, you know, hundreds of billions of neurons firing away right now. It’s almost too much to even imagine. But the mind is simply a response mechanism. It’s simply a computer there to do what you want to program it to do. And in this case, the big thing that’s coming about is saying, “I realize this is all my energy and it’s there to serve me,” and then allowing it to. Versus in the past, it’s like, “All the energy belongs to someone else and I’ve got to get my portion of it.”

The mind, at first, eh, is a little structured. But it’s obedient, so it says, “Okay, we don’t need identity. You told me before we needed identity, and I made one. Now you’re saying we don’t need identity. Okay, we’ll be very fluid, very open and flexible.” Right now, your mind, your brain is adapting and adjusting. You don’t have to work at it. You don’t have to push it. You don’t have to do mind exercises or anything like that. It’s adapting. It’s becoming – it always has – but it’s being obedient right now to the Master and the Master is you.

Consciousness is who you really are. The thoughts are simply the ways of experiencing it and acting it out. But let’s not cast them in bronze. Let’s take a deep breath. Your mind is changing. You’re beginning to understand now the difference between pure consciousness – it’s awareness – and then everything else is thought.

Shining Our Light – Merabh Okay. Let’s move on. We’ve got some work to do, the real reason we’re on the planet right now, we’re going to do some benching together. Let’s gather up all of our energies. Let’s put on some music and let’s do what we came here to do. Now, of course, you can bench any time you want by yourself. I hope you do. It shouldn’t be a discipline. It shouldn’t be suffering. It should just be something that you pause from the regular part of the day …

Benching is saying, “I got here. I Am Here. I am a Master on this planet. I’m allowing energy to serve me. Now, I’m just going to sit here and let my light shine. I’m going to stop for a moment all the activities going on. I’m going to stop for a moment and just let my light shine.

We’re simply Masters sitting on a park bench, shining our light so that others may see their own grand potentials now or in the future. I love this work. What we’re doing right now, I love it. It’s a little easier than all those years of discussions and lectures and everything else. I love this, just sitting with you on a park bench.

If there was any response to you shining your light onto the world, it would be the world shining its light back onto you. It’s very different than when you’re trying to change something, then the energy will naturally try to change you.

Let’s take a deep breath together, always remembering that all is well in all of creation, especially when there’s your light.

Shoud 3

“Well, I’ll get to the real point here.” And the real point was that, I told them, “You know, when you were going through your Realization, yes, it was difficult, as, to a degree, was mine. But there’s one big difference between you and Shaumbra, and that is you left at Realization. Oh, you maybe stayed a few days, a few weeks or Kuthumi a few years, but the rest of you, you left right away, and this group isn’t doing that. This group is staying on the planet. “They don’t have to. They could simply accept and allow their Realization and leave, but they’re staying, and they’re staying in physical bodies that are in pain a lot.

They’re staying here having to deal with mass consciousness, which is changing at unprecedented speeds. They’re staying on the planet when things are really, truly crazy. They’re not just bailing out. They didn’t say, ‘Okay, I crossed the finish line. I got to my Realization and now I’m out of here.’ They’re staying, and they’re staying to do something that we call the Atlantean Dream. They’re staying to shine their light on the planet at a time when the planet absolutely needs it like never before.

Such a touching moment when the whole Ascended Masters Club realized the importance of what you’re doing. And, sure, you have some modern conveniences, but they’re also modern pains in the ass. I mean, social media, it has its good points, it has its bad points. The speed at which technology and medicine is changing – it has its good points, but it could have its bad points. The whole issue with artificial intelligence, which I’m going to talk about in ProGnost, it has its great points, but it also has it’s very, very frightening points.

It’s also very seductive to leave. Very seductive, meaning that suddenly, if you leave, you don’t have to contend with that physical body. You don’t have to contend with the annoyance and the aggravation of other people or your families. You don’t have to deal with the world like it’s up and down and spinning all around and people going crazy – I mean, literally – because of the speed at which things are changing. And it’s not necessarily going to get better any time soon. I’m not predicting any sort of crisis or any sort of catastrophes, but it’s just going to accelerate faster and faster, and it’ll be more and more difficult for people to contend with. And it’s going to affect their minds first and then eventually their bodies, but it’ll affect their minds, their mental stability. And, of course, what they do now is simply put them on medications which really just flattens the mind. All the feelings, all the sensations, everything, all the drama and emotions are still there, but now they’re masked, covered over by the medications. And as modern science has found out, you can be on these antidepressants

... not even in what would be the best of times in Atlantis. Had nothing like this, in terms of the development of technology, the speed at which things are going, the changes that are literally erupting in the planet. And I use the word “erupting,” meaning there are so many changes in social systems, in financial systems, in the inventing processing and manufacturing. These are eruptions that are happening, and it’s not a negative term. It just means it is happening so fast it’s difficult to keep your balance, for the typical person.

You have the whole issue of the light body right now. The light body coming in. The light body now being given the permission to come in by you, and Kuthumi goes into it in great detail in his Making Light Body. I’m delighted that he agreed to do that. But so much changing in your biology right now at this whole time of the new human species. And although it sounds wonderful that the light body is coming in, it can be very difficult. It affects your physical body.


You’re seeing the results of it – from people saying they simply don’t want to work anymore, and that is their right; people saying, “I don’t want to be a midlevel manager all my life, get two weeks of vacation and then retire and die.” There’s a whole shift of consciousness taking place right now as it relates to work, jobs, careers, more people than ever going out on their own. It’s not that they just want to sit home and be lazy bums. They’re saying, “There is something more I want to do. I don’t know what it is, but something more I want to do on the planet.”

Omicron variant. And now it’s doing all the variants and there’ll be other variants that come about, because COVID is here doing a complete housecleaning based on permission from humanity. And possibly – possibly – even because there were enough beings on the planet shining their light to say, “Let’s just do it.”

A new understanding of the human genome. A new understanding of how atomic particles work together. And, more than anything, a brilliant understanding that I feel is going to be coming forth in the next 18 months, a real practical understanding of how elements, how particles go in and out of reality. Not just a theory from some physicist, but now a deeper understanding, with that understanding of particle shifting.

Every particle, every object in this realm has its reciprocal or its parallel object or particle in a nonphysical realm. It’s like a shadow or like a ghost, and they do go back and forth at times, and sometimes the particle in this realm goes completely into the other realm and then comes back, or what was the shadow particle comes back into physical reality. The point is that with this new focus on medical research, that they’re going to understand now how particles really work, going in and out of reality, and then, therefore, they’re going to have a better understanding of what people call the other dimensions, but are really other realms.

So, all this is happening, and you have chosen to stay here. You’ve chosen to be embodied Masters, and it’s not easy. And, please, some of you perhaps had a little too much sugar dust and fairy sprinkles put on you, thinking that coming into your mastery was going to just be easy. It’s going to be different, and in many ways easy, but in some ways much more difficult. Not from a personal standpoint, not from a “What have I done wrong?” standpoint, but much more difficult saying, “There’s days I just don’t want to be here.” And be okay with that. Don’t try to fight it, because there are going to be days when you just feel like you’re in overload, because you’re sensing all this happening around you.

Trees fall, and trees aren’t going to stop falling just because you’re an embodied Master. When things happen though, and happen right around you, there’s a natural protection that happens, as you are an embodied Master. The tree can fall, but instead of falling right on the house and doing a lot of damage, it fell in almost a precise way, I mean, an amazing way. And it fell in such a way that the damage was minimal. It created a lot of excitement and drama, which, I guess, Cauldre and Linda enjoyed to a certain degree.

Now there’s just kind of an energy field around you, your energy field, that is a natural protection.

Now, this is not angelic protection and we’re not selling insurance programs here today for protection. It is your natural energy. It’s kind of like an energy field around you that you can be right in the midst of all sorts of drama, all sorts of crazy things right now, and you’re protected, and it’s yours. I’d like you to feel into that right now. It’s there because you’ve allowed yourself to be here.

You take on other people’s issues, other people’s energies, and it’s very, very difficult on the physical body. You’re taking a big extra load on that’s not yours. Many of you who are sick, who never have energy, who have diseases, these are not yours. You’ve taken on mass consciousness problems, partly because you’re very sensitive – you feel these things and then you say, “Oh, there must be something wrong with me” – partly because you’re still doing social work. Let the other people do the social work. They want to come up the ranks. As other people develop more consciousness, they want to do what you used to do.


Love has been highly manipulated, and love is generally something that you have to give to others. And sometimes perhaps receive it for yourself, but it’s something that pretty much is promoted as giving it to others. You don’t hear too much talk about receiving love. You hear about giving love.

God – whatever that is – had no idea of what love was. Your soul, your I Am had no idea of what love was until humans came to this planet.

You came to the planet to understand the relationship between consciousness and energy on behalf of your angelic families, who you didn’t love because there was no love.

what do you find? Love. Pure love. Love for another. A connection so clear, a remembrance – even in this reality – a remembrance of where you came from with the other person, knowing you both came from a place far, far away, a long time ago.

and ultimately love became one of the angelic senses

So, love is one of those phenomena experienced by humans on Earth first, and now making its way through all of creation. There are angelic beings who come here just to experience love, kind of like the Love Circus, “We want to go down there and see what it’s like, this thing called love.” And what are your songs written about? Love. Love.

You’ve gone through a lot of experiences with love, and for most of you, the majority, in the last lifetime a lot of you just went off on your own and said, “No more love. I’m done with that.” No more relationships and partners. No more falling deeply in love like what you had before where you just lose all sense of sense and Self, as you fell deeply in love with another. It served a purpose. You learned a lot, and you got to experience love. Then so many of you in your last lifetime went off on your own, loners, away from other people and away from love. You needed that time by yourself without the intrusion of a love relationship. Yes, I said “intrusion” because it can be. And then you came into this lifetime.

You came into this lifetime, you know, with all the knowingness in the world of why you were here. All the knowingness of what this lifetime was about. I mean, not details, but in terms of what you were here for – for Realization and then ultimately to stay as an embodied Master. And along the way, so many of you trying to get back into relationships that didn’t work. Many of you trying, working for years or decades at a relationship, at the whole family unit thing and the whole love thing, and it didn’t work. And many of you, still sad today about – when we talk late at night – and you say, “But, Adamus, I just wanted a partner, a lover in this life, and I never did find one. That’s really the one thing about my life that just was never satisfied is that partner, my soul mate.” And then when you say “soul mate” I want to gag and throw up, and you say, “Oh, no! I’m sorry. I meant my twin flame.” And then I have that look on my face. There is no soul mate or twin flame.

So, you came into this life again hoping to have that love, but also you came into this lifetime knowing you were going to push it away, because you didn’t want anything to interfere with your Realization. Love is a beautiful thing – the love I’m talking about, not the typical human love – love is such a beautiful thing when you can openly share with another. Share your body, share your deepest most intimate thoughts, share stories about your journey, share laughter, share going to a movie or taking a long drive. When there’s nothing you have to hide, when there’s nothing you have to hold back, that’s love. If you’re in a situation where there’s holding back, where there’s hiding, where you have secret passageways into your psyche and into your spirit, when there’s jealousy, when there’s accusations and all the rest of this, that’s not love. That’s not love. That’s a relationship, but it’s not the love I’m talking about. So, along the way humans, they discovered love and they experienced it deeply and they experienced its dark side and its beautiful side, and, no, I’m not against love at all. I’m against the improper use of the term “love.” Oh, love. And, of course, the greatest love of all and the most elusive of all is loving yourself.

But now, we’re going to be talking more about loving yourself – loving yourself – and that is truly one of the most difficult and challenging things of all. It is much easier to love another. It’s much easier to project the love, to give the love than to receive it, whether it’s from somebody else, but mostly from yourself. Mostly from you.

You came here to the planet not knowing a thing about love. Then you discovered it and you fell in love. Then you had sex, and then you had many other relationships in love. And then love turned sour, just like milk gone bad. But through that even then you learned what love is not, so you could eventually be here right now loving yourself

My kind of love that we’re going to talk about is no makyo at all, and if you start doing that, your dragon is going to come up and bite you right in the love biscuit, right there. It’s not going to allow this kind of sugarcoated, cotton candy love. I’m talking about really loving yourself. It sounds so good, doesn’t it? But yet, it’s so difficult. It is so very difficult.

Let’s take a deep breath together right now, as we go into the next step with Shaumbra. And I’m going to go back to the Ascended Masters Club and tell those bastards a thing or two, the ones who were telling how easy you have it, and I’m going to say, “You know what we’re working on right now” – or, better said – “what we’re allowing right now is true love of Self.” Not this pansy love, going out there “love the world,” and even though you really don’t. Loving Self and really a fulfillment of why you came to the planet, because to truly understand energy and consciousness, how they work together, is also understanding how to love yourself.

Love yourself means fully accepting yourself, everything. Everything.

Eh, I want to stay with just feeling into love for a moment. Let’s just do that – self-love – and let this come through your consciousness right now. Coming to this planet to learn about consciousness and energy, but what do you find? Love for another, and then you go through all the experiences of that. Loving another, good and bad, and then for a while it’s kind of almost like there’s none. Seems like love has gone out of your life, and then it’s time right now to love yourself.



4 Shoud

Welcome to 2022, and I’m going to start by saying, as we enter this year we also enter a whole new phase for Shaumbra

Natural Protection

But for you in the work that you’re doing, as long as you’re staying on that park bench, meaning as long as you are without the political agenda or a moral agenda or trying to change humanity, as long as you are simply here to radiate your light to the planet so they can see into the potentials, so they can see into what is now being called dark energy – and it doesn’t mean dark, as in negative, it simply means the unknown energies, which are the potentials – as long as you’re here in your mastery on the planet, then you have this natural protection

So, on December 30th, this fire that’s been talked about broke out, caused by high winds. It was the end of 2021, and it happened right here in this area where the Crimson Circle Connection Center is located. That’s not just a coincidence. You’re going to start realizing that there really aren’t coincidences. You’re going to learn how to connect the energy dots, and you’re going to be amazed at how pretty simple it actually is. But it happened right here. Why? Well, because here is a focus for Shaumbra from all around the world. You take tens of thousands of Shaumbra who are located all over the planet, but there is kind of a central collection point right here at the Crimson Circle studio. End of the year, the extreme winds that came around. Winds, symbolic of moving energy, pushing things through. Sometimes the energies tend to get bogged down or stuck, and then the winds come up. So, in a way, you could say, that Shaumbra was the wind – “Time to get on with it. Time to move forward into the next level of the human species, into a new level of consciousness, into an understanding of what energy is.”

There’s a sadness with it, but valuables can be replaced. It caused so many people to realize how they get caught up in that sometimes, caused many people to realize,

“What do I want to do next? Now that I’m healthy, I’m safe, what do I want to do next with my life?

What’s important to me?”

You’re going to find the same in your lives. You’re going to find your own wind coming through, moving things, shifting things, particularly at times when you’re questioning yourself, times when you have fear about taking that next step. The winds will come around, but this is to know that you have that natural protection. This is the attribute of a Master, the natural protection. In other words, it may move things, but it’s not going to kill you. It may shift things, but it’s not going to create such a situation that you won’t be able to handle it at all.

Shine Your Light

To J Biden: “You know, here’s what I would suggest. You’ve got this Oval Office. I like to call it the Circle Office. You’ve got this Oval Office. You’ve got a real nice chair in there. But now get yourself a real nice park bench. Put it over on the side there. There’s a little space there under the portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Put it over there and, you know, once, maybe twice a day, go over there and sit on that park bench and just radiate your light. You’ve got good light. You’re just not putting it to use. Shine your consciousness. Stop worrying about Democrats and Republicans. Stop worrying about bills and stop worrying about your big agenda with all this mo- … how much money is that bill that you’re trying to get passed? Stop that. What people need right now is inspiration, is your light.”

The most important thing you can do right now is to be here on the planet and shine your light.

Then they get lost in the minutia. They get lost in the real minutia, and they start dedicating all their energy to things like wind power or solar, which are okay, but they’re very limited.

And .…

Now, I said a while back that I want to be remembered on this planet by Shaumbra and all – I want to be remembered for two things: Allowing and And. I’ve talked a lot about allowing, but now it’s time for And ….

It has a lot of significance. It’s the And, dot-dot-dot-dot. Remember in our last session, which you probably don’t remember, is I talked about the difference between thought and consciousness. Thought is like And and then a period. Consciousness is like And dot-dot-dot-dot. It continues on. It keeps going. That’s consciousness. So, we’re going into the And dot-dot-dot-dot

You were realized and it doesn’t mean that you’re faking it at all; it means you’re returning to a natural state. It’s what you chose to come here to do.

Being realized simply means, “I Am that I Am. I accept all that I am, and I accept that I am much more than what I thought I was when I thought I was unrealized. I accept that there’s a lot more to my past than I remember. There’s a lot more potentials than I ever chose to believe there were.

The winds of that change are coming from technology, but the real change is in the physics of reality. We’ve talked about some of it from time to time – get it, “time to time” – because one of the things is the illusion of time. Time does not exist unless you want it to, and then it exists. Space doesn’t exist. There is no past or future, unless you want them to be, to go through a certain type of experience. Then it’s fine. But then you get tired of that experience, and you realize it’s time for change. \\\\\

 There is no such thing as time traveling (Linda continues laughing). And, you know, it’s going to be a real surprise and wonder what we’re going to do the rest of the day (Linda’s still chuckling), because you come to realize that time is not real. You don’t travel in time. You simply allow yourself to experience

You don’t travel in time, because it doesn’t exist. But the fact is that you can be experiencing things that one would say were in the past – which really aren’t in the past, they’re right now – right now. Or the future, which doesn’t really exist, and experiencing them right now. In other words, you dissolve time or the illusion of time, and suddenly you can travel wherever you want with great ease.

 It’s kind of fun, to a degree. But, you see, nobody’s done it, because you can’t time travel. You can experience though a multitude of realities in the And …., and that is – now, I have to increase the price.

And dot-dot-dot-dot – going into the new physics.

Report from FM

FM doesn’t want to be channeled by anyone. He doesn’t particularly care for that. So I’ll be doing the reporting

FM did, in particular, ask that his adorable, loving and cherished partner, Leslie, be here with us today. If we could get a shot of Leslie, so everybody knows that she’s sitting right here with us at the Crimson Circle Connection Center. He wanted that energy, and so here she is. And this was at the very special request of John Kuderka who brought it up to me and Cauldre while Cauldre was in the shower today. That’s where things happen. You know, it’s the And …. And delight to have you here, Leslie, and John is literally crying right now. Literally. Now, you’re going to get Cauldre crying. I never cry. It’s always Cauldre. It’s always him. So we’ve got that and we have a lot of Shaumbra that have crossed over to the other side in the last, oh, ten years or so that are part of the FM team, that have been working with him on this link. So that’s what we’re going to be talking about now. I’ll be reporting on FM’s findings. So, once again, the setup here – FM, formerly John Kuderka, formerly the engineer here, the studio manager and technical engineer at the studio who did so much for Shaumbra when he was here on Earth and crossed over so he could do his real work from the other side. So, when FM left, he wanted to find a way to gift Shaumbra, to leave something for Shaumbra, and he realized that one of the challenges that he had, one of the biggest challenges was just feeling, hearing, and experiencing not only his human self, but his Master, his soul self.

He worked at it very, very hard, but being an engineer, he thought about it way too much. And even before his death, he thought to himself that it’s just something that he missed out on in this lifetime, it didn’t happen. But later on he realized it was happening, he just wasn’t in awareness of it. He set out to find a way to remind Shaumbra that this link between human and divine is always there.

Granted, it’s been covered up for a long time, but it’s always there. It’s not somewhere else. It’s not out in the stars. It’s not something you’re going to learn through studying esoteric materials. It’s not something that anybody else can give you, and it’s not something that you can get by hopping around the world opening portals. It’s always, always there. But due its subtlety and it’s very close personal nature, it often goes out of awareness, unused, unconnected to.

It started in the middle of September of last year and went through December 21, 2021. They radiated their light. They did their bench-sitting on the other side in the other realms, radiating it, and all the time working together and working with many of the Ascended Masters to collect the information, “What’s happening? How is this being received? How do we refine it? How do we go to the next step?”

Barriers to the God Link

Noise Number one, noise. FM was overwhelmed by the amount of noise that’s on the planet right now. And I’m not just talking about the noise you hear with your ears, but I’m talking about the radio signal noise. FM had a background in electronics and wavelength and sound and things like that, so he was very fascinated. But he was overwhelmed with the amount of noise that’s on the planet right now. Physical noise, the nonphysical – in other words, what you don’t hear – just energy noise on the planet. He went back about 30 years in his studying

And then there’s the noise from the increased levels of emotions on the planet. The increased levels of consternation, confusion, everything else has caused an 87 times increase in the noise levels on the planet.

He realized that Shaumbra still does a tremendous amount of processing – processing of the emotional issues from their past, from today. They process things that haven’t happened yet. They process problems that haven’t even occurred. They process the future. All this processing is an extreme distraction from hearing the real divine voice within.

” Oftentimes, when you go for counseling, the counselor is really there processing their own stuff at your expense. In other words, you’re paying to have them process their issues. But now you’ve got both of them – both you and the counselor – processing and both caught in that trap of processing

Processing actually invigorates all that electronic and chemical activity in the mind, and it justifies the incident and it also limits the incident.

How do you tell somebody to just get over it without sounding that you’re without compassion?

How do you tell somebody that the continued processing of issues basically creates a ghost or kind of a demon within yourself? It brings it to life and then it will stay there and continue in your life causing you to process.

You can choose not to process anymore. When you catch yourself in that – the emotional processing, the “poor me,” the going back in your mind and reliving experiences – you just take a deep breath and you And …. it. You realize, “All right, that’s happening, but I’m going to And …. now. I’m going to move into my wisdom. I’m going to move into the future,” which really isn’t in the future – it’s right now, because there is no time traveling, it’s right here – and you say, “All that is brought into wisdom, and I don’t need to keep processing.”

The allowing it into wisdom, the alchemy of bringing any experience into wisdom is the release of processing.

one of the other issues was the lightning bolt effect. So many of you expect – and you can write that, just “lightning bolt.” So many of you expected a lightning bolt. You were going to tune in and boom! It doesn’t work like that, because it doesn’t need to. It’s very subtle. Yes, there’s a lot of noise, but it’s very subtle and it’s always right there

There are some that want this lightning bolt to come down and strike them, and it’s just not going to happen, and FM wanted me to really underline that. Stop looking for the big lightning bolt, the explosion, the big drama, because your God communication doesn’t work like that.

It’s subtle. I believe they talk about the “still small voice within.” It’s still; it’s not small. It’s still and it’s within and it’s always there.

Next is something that FM concluded, but I had already been talking about it in Keahak, in particular, the thing about “I don’t feel anything.” (Adamus chuckles) Now, this was funny to talk to FM about it, “I don’t feel anything,” because he was “Mr. I Don’t Feel Anything.”

I’m talking about sensory awareness. He realized that he was a sentient being who was trying not to be sentient, who was trying not to feel, and he realized what a tremendous waste of time.

And it almost backfired on him, because then he felt everything when he crossed over.

And when you continue with that “I don’t feel anything,” you’re not going to feel the And …. You’re not going to feel the new physics. You’re not going to feel the beauty of being a Master. You’re not going to feel your own Realization. So let’s knock that crap off

The other thing was, I’m going to call it narsophobia

The concern of being narcissistic. The concern of – the fear of making yourself special

There’s a huge phobia with Shaumbra that FM came upon. They don’t want to appear to be narcissistic. They don’t want to appear to be self-indulgent or grandiose or manipulative. So they tend to “shell-up.” You know, they go into their own little shell. Cauldre did it on me today when I was talking about the … (Linda chuckles) No, he did. I was trying to talk openly about what’s going on – the wind. None of this is a coincidence. But Cauldre’s like, “Oh! Oh! Oh! Everybody’s going to think that we’re trying to make ourselves so special.” Fuck, yes! I mean …

They’re not going to write about you in the history books. They’re going to give you a grand celebration at the Ascended Masters Club. That they will do and that you will enjoy. But you’re not trying to elevate yourself at the expense of others. You’re not trying to make some big ego play, manipulate other people, create false narratives.

 Narsophobia. Worrying that you’re trying to make yourself too special. You are special, and that’s exactly what the God link is going to tell you when you first connect with it. You’re going to hear, feel, sense, “You are loved, and you are special. You are loved by me, your soul, and you taught me love, by the way, and you are special,” because of what you’ve chosen to do here staying on the planet at a time when it’s absolutely needed.

It is simply a reminder at the deepest levels, going beyond the noise, going beyond the holding back, going beyond any of the things we’ve talked about today, now refined to remind you that this Fruit of the Rose, the way out, and the connection and communication between soul and human is there. It’s going to be the constant reminder that it’s there. Now And …. yourself into it

You realize that – we’ve talked about things like magic – magic is simply allowing energy to work for you. But there’s been a resistance to it. You’ve approached it from an emotional or a mental basis, and you’ve kept it out there in fantasyland. But now we open a different door.

It’s much more free than that. And you wonder how you, the human, will ever understand what it’s communicating, but then you take a deep breath into the And …. and you realize that you do understand. It’s your natural state of communication and awareness.

Words, pictures, symbols, they weren’t natural. They were interpretations.

But now you go into the And …. and realize that that song of the soul, the connection between human and Master, is always there. And the Master isn’t trying to tell the human what to do. The Master isn’t trying to make choices in your life. It’s just the communication – “I Am that I Am. You are not alone.” And the human realizes that it’s time to truly accept and allow the Master into its house, the Master here in this reality. It’s the new physics of human and Master together, no longer separate. No longer a distance. No longer lost.

It’s the new physics – human and Master. The Master enjoying it as much, perhaps even more than the human, being in this realm and being in the realms of the Master.

Shoud 5

The Sense of Smell

Smell, the sense of human smell, is one of the most underutilized and perhaps most profound and clear of your human senses. What do you smell? What do you smell?

Dogs, they have a great sense of smell. They can smell not only food, they can smell human emotions. Human emotions – fear, in particular. They can smell disease. They can smell COVID. With just a little bit of training they can detect who has COVID or not. Why all these tests and everything? Just go to a pet. Have the dog smell you.

But they sense through the smell, and they can smell time. They truly can. They can smell fear. They can smell joy. They can smell before an earthquake happens. They can smell that. You know why? It’s an inherent sense that they have and you have also. They don’t think about it, and right now when I asked you to breathe in and smell, you’re thinking about it.

Dogs, they bypass about 90 percent of their brain circuitry when they’re smelling. They don’t use qualia to try to attach and say, “Well, this is what I smell before.” The smell for a dog is a new experience almost every time they smell. And, yes, if something smells like something they had smelled before, they associate qualia, but they’re always open to what’s really in this sense of smell.

So, let’s do it again, but this time really go beyond the brain, the mind. Take a deep breath and (he takes a deep breath through the nose) what do you smell?

While FM has been working on the FM Link for months now, I’ve been watching and observing you benching, and I can’t really say any of you are ready for the Olympics. You know, this is weird benching, kind of odd. We’ll go into it in a moment, but I brought in a special guest today, because I felt it was necessary to improve the benching that we’re doing. It’s so important on the planet right now, time to improve it. So, I’ve asked my dear friend, my colleague, my fellow Ascended Master, Tobias, to come in today.

You know, smell doesn’t have to be an odor. It can be a feeling. You can smell gentleness. Yeah. Dogs do all the time. And they don’t put it in their mind, “Oh, this smell is gentle.” They’re just like, “Oh” – they just have a very sensual experience with smell – “it’s gentle.”

You can smell time. You can smell emotions. You can smell food, of course, things like that. You can smell the future. You can actually, literally – we’re going to do it in our upcoming workshop, Time Traveling – you can smell into the future. You can literally go to the future through your sense of smell and other things.

ProGnost & Consciousness

You don’t have a precedence from a past lifetime that you can go back to and say, “Okay, how did I cope with fast-paced changes?” You just don’t have that reference point. Everything is changing so fast on the planet now, and as it does, it’s time now more than ever to be your light. And for a couple of reasons, for a couple of reasons.

That’s why you came here, to shine that consciousness on the planet. But also, right now is such an important time on the planet for not only the light that you bring, but the balance that comes with that. That’s so important right now, and for you personally, to really now get into the metaphysics of understanding what reality is all about. This planet is breaking through reality paradigms very, very quickly – very quickly – and it’s causing a lot of unsettled business on the planet. So, you came here to shine that light, to be that light.

I told you that one of the things that I’m so looking forward to is when a physicist or a group of them come out with the statement, a very bold statement, a public statement saying that, “Energy is basically communication.” Pfff! That’s when we know, all of us, the work that we’ve been doing for all these years, through the time of Tobias, through now, all that work is now coming into consciousness.

And the other important thing about ProGnost and what’s happening on the planet right now, and particularly as we get into the subject of artificial intelligence, one of the big philosophical and physics debates about artificial intelligence is – and, no, I’m not going to call it “advanced intelligence.” I’m sorry, Chippie, but you’re artificial. One of the big questions is will it have consciousness? It kind of doesn’t really matter one way or the other. As I’ve stated before, it will try to get consciousness. It’ll read about it in its data, everything it collects from the Internet, and it will want that and that could eventually become its undoing.

But what’s happening right now is all of this discussion about consciousness and artificial intelligence and robots and are you going to be able to make love to a robot and is it going to have the awareness to really talk to you, you know, all of that is bringing light to the subject of consciousness itself. So, to me, it’s really not about artificial intelligence or robots or anything like that. It’s about the subject of consciousness.

Now, philosophers have talked about it for a long time, going way back to Socrates and Plato and some of the others have talked at length about consciousness, then it kind of went out of fashion for a long time. Nobody really talked about it. It was kind of one of those mysterious words. Then it started slowly, slowly coming back. And now, consciousness, the word “consciousness” and the discussion of consciousness, is starting to come to the forefront as a result of artificial intelligence and computer capabilities, “Will it ever have consciousness?” And it’s causing people to say, “Well, what the hell is consciousness? What is it?” And it’s causing people to realize that consciousness is not matter. It’s not matter. It doesn’t matter. It’s not physical. It cannot be evaluated scientifically or mathematically, although they’ll try. But it can’t be. And it doesn’t matter, because it is not part of this physical realm at all.

It is not part of the physical realm. It cannot be dissected mathematically, scientifically with physics or anything else. But more and more really intelligent, sharp scientists and physicists are going to realize it’s there. There’s something very real about it. It’s the essential part of the equation. It is the essential part.

For the past 100 years or so, there has been a very feverish effort to determine the unified formula, unified concept of the universe. They thought they would find it in the subatomic particles or in light itself, the basis of all reality in the physical universe, and they haven’t found it. Not at all. They’re still looking and they realized it’s not necessarily in matter. They’ve been looking at it from an energy standpoint, but they have no clue of energy. No clue. And that’ll change, literally – and Cauldre’s fact checking me here – literally, that concept of energy, the old concept, is going to change because of the work you’re doing, that we’re all doing together. And that’s why I say when that headline comes out that some crazy physicist says that “energy is communication,” I want to have a party, a Shaumbra party worldwide. I don’t know how we do it, but we’ll gather together on the Internet or we’ll have individual country parties and dance and sing and celebrate.

That is a historic milestone when that headline comes out “Energy is communications.” And you know you heard it first right here. But back to the point.

So now there is a focus on consciousness, and it’s beginning to be realized it’s an important part of the physics formula, of quantum physics, but they still don’t know how. They know consciousness has to be present for any reality to be present. There’s more and more discussion of consciousness that’s getting into mass consciousness, so it’s not just reserved for the hall of the academics.

There’s a new awareness of DNA and that was important because it helps to understand the linkage to your ancestors and eventually what we talk about is you are not your ancestors. You have their thoughts, their body, everything else, but you’re not.

And if no consciousness is present, no reality exists. It’s not just a philosophical thing. If you’re not there, there is no reality.

Even in scientific experiments, they’re coming to understand that it is the observer who determines the outcome of the experiment, not the experiment itself. It is the observer and their biases that will change the very nature of reality. And if the observer believes a certain thing, that a certain reaction should take place, that reaction will take place. If the observer believes something else or if the observer is open to things that the observer doesn’t necessarily understand, other things will take place.

It’s weird physics, but it’s very real physics, and that is all happening right now. That’s the beauty of it. It’s not somewhere off in the future. The understanding that things go in and out of reality. Reality is essentially determined by the consciousness of the observer. And now, for those ready to go to new levels of themselves in understanding and the ability to craft their reality for how they want, all the tools, all the information is opening up and becoming available.

We talked a lot about energy and energy serving you, and I know it’s a great line and some of you even have a tattoo about that – “Energy serves me” – and that’s great to be able to say it, but then to really sensually feel and do it. Realizing that it is your energy and it’s your consciousness now, your presence and your openness, your allowing – that shifts everything. The fact that the energy is yours and it does serve you, and it’s a graceful thing. Everything changes. Everything changes.

So I’m taking far too long in my opening statement. Let’s get down to business. I’ve got FM sitting over here tapping his foot very impatiently.

Shaumbra FM Radio

So FM has been working on what we call the Shaumbra FM Radio. And it’s not a radio, like you’re not going to find the golden oldies there, I mean, old songs and old tunes. It’s not a radio station; this is a metaphor. It is a communication link that goes out, like a message that goes out, broadcast out to, well, initially to Shaumbra, but now to everyone.

Now, please, it’s not literally a radio tower on Mars or anything like that. It’s really a metaphor, but they’re using special frequencies to transmit a very important message, a very simple message. The message is that “It’s all within you. You already know.” There’s no need to go outside for any answers. There’s no need to go to another person. There’s no need to go to Jesus.

“Seek not outside yourself, but allow all that you are to shine forth.”

The message is, “It is all right here within you.” I’m not talking about your physical body, but your beingness, your consciousness. It is all right there. You don’t need to go to any healer. You don’t need to go to any church. You can if you want. That’s fine, but you don’t need to. You don’t need to wrack your brain day after day, night after night trying to figure it all out. The answers are already there.

You don’t have become worthy of some sort of redemption from some strange angelic group. You already have that within you. You don’t have to do any tithing – tithing – giving money to churches and organizations and groups. You notice we’ve never done that with Crimson Circle, nor will we ever do it. Why? I mean, that’s fine if you want to give money, but the concept of tithing bondage for the person doing it, for the person writing the check, is they associate their goodness with their check, their redemption with their check, their salvation with their money. It’s all wrong. It’s all wrong. If you want to give money, just give money. But to feel obligated to, to earn your way to heaven, it’s all wrong.

Just drink your wine, don’t speak your whine

Okay. Now, try real allowing, like FM when he knew there was nothing left. Tobias rotting away in prison and a bird came to his window in the prison cell and was chirping away joyously like, “Look at me! I’m free and you’re not! Look at me! I can fly away and you can’t!” Oh, Tobias hated that bird. Tobias wanted to strangle that bird, kill it right then and there, if he could just reach out and grab it. But then in his final days, in his allowing, he realized, “Oh, that was really Archangel Michael” – heh – coming to visit, coming to tell him that “You are free already. Even if you are sitting in prison, you are free.”

It’s about your consciousness. It’s about what you believe, and that creates your reality. You believe you’re not free, you’re going to end up in prison. Maybe a physical prison, maybe just your emotional prison, but that’s where you’ll end up.

 “It’s already there.”

letting yourself find that Fruit of the Rose. The FM Link is the reminder that the Fruit of the Rose is there any time you’re ready.

Coping with the Pressure

In ProGnost 2020, I talked about the planetary awakening. The dragon had come in the previous year and started to shake things up, as you’ve seen. The dragon’s done a pretty good job. Then comes the planetary awakening in 2020, and it was the beginning of an awakening cycle on the planet. You could say about a 21- to 25-year awakening cycle. We’re now barely into the second year of it

You’ve got COVID, which is still around – huh, even though I predicted it’d be gone – because humanity wanted it to go deeper and to do a bigger cleansing and a bigger change. You’ve got literally war, a war that the modern world hasn’t really seen the likes of or the threats of in a long time. You have that now, that pressure. You could say it’s real or you could say it’s all just a big game that’s being played, but it creates a pressure on people. Not necessarily on you, but on others.

You have a financial system that is just crazy – just crazy – and I smile when I say that, because, you know, the financial system is long overdue for an overhaul, and it’s going to get one. And that doesn’t mean run out and sell all your stocks or buy gold or anything like that. You’re immune to it. You are immune to it, if you are truly allowing yourself to be a Master on the planet. It doesn’t care if suddenly all currency is negated and some new currency comes out, because that new currency is going to come to you. Truly.

Everything is changing very quickly. Governments and politics and, oh, the tensions and the world powers. It can be overwhelming, and you can get into a lot of anxiety because of the overwhelm. But that’s what regular people do, that’s not what Masters do. A Master sits back and watching and goes, “Wow! Now, that is a circus. I mean, that is a big circus. It’s not my circus. I’m not a monkey in the circus. That’s a big circus there.” You’re the observer. The observer.

By the way, I have to add that when Cauldre went into artificial intelligence, channeled it, he wasn’t just channeling artificial intelligence. There was another, you could say, a hidden – not-so-hidden – agenda. He was going there with all of you, and with that brought light into a place, into the mechanics, into the software, into the circuitry and the silicon chips, literally brought light into that for the first time. So, Cauldre, if you think that you’ve had a little trouble recovering, just think what all this did to Chippie (Adamus chuckles), because it wasn’t just Cauldre that went there. You all went there, literally bringing light into the world of computers, into the world of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has been scrambling to try to figure out what hit it ever since (Adamus chuckles), but that’s for another time, another discussion. Back to our point.

Humans don’t know how to cope right now, and I’m going to call for a special session this summer – I’ll give Cauldre the details – but a special session to talk about how the planet is trying to cope with all this. Some of the things are obvious: alcohol, drugs, these SSRI medications; people just dropping out of life – not dying – but just dropping out, dropping out of their jobs and their families and just walking away. That’s one of the coping mechanisms. Becoming obsessive, getting deep into hobbies, which is good, like music or repairing cars or whatever else, but channeling that energy into something else.

People right now on the planet do not know how to handle, how to cope, and not just the average person on the street or the farmer in the field, but your leaders. They have less coping mechanisms and relief than even you do. Now, that’s pretty scary. That’s real scary. They don’t know how to handle it. There’s nothing in history that is even similar to what’s happening now. So, everybody is trying to figure out, “How do we cope?” And I want to talk about it this summer. It’s not just mental imbalance. There are physical imbalances. There are energy imbalances, and we’re going to dive deep into it and bring some light into coping.

The Ones Coming In

Shaumbra, are you ready to be real and genuine? Are you ready not to do counseling and therapy and healing? No counseling whatsoever (speaking very strongly). No healing. No therapy. No processing. Just your light. That’s it.

Just your light.

These people do not need counseling. They need a Standard.

They need light, not words.

 How do you cope as Masters? Obviously, not with counseling or processing. But how do you cope?

How do you handle the intense pressure of being on the planet right now?

Is it fraternity with others?

Is it just spending time by yourself?

Is it enjoying nature?

How do you cope right now with being a Master on the planet?

And I’ll tell you one thing as kind of a heads up. One of the most important things is sensuality. Sensuality.


“Stand behind the short wall.”

means it’s not yours. Things that you took for so long were not yours. “Stand behind the short wall” means if you’re into causes and battles, even if you’re righteous as hell, you’re helping to perpetuate causes and battles.

Benching is compassion.

Benching is accepting all things as they are, including yourself.

Benching is without agenda. You don’t sit there and try to make the world a better place or a worse place. You are simply shining a light.

Benching is a form of grace.

The true shining light has no agenda whatsoever, other than acceptance and compassion. The people out there in the planet, they’re going through their experiences because that’s what they’re choosing. Nobody is inflicting it on them

When you bench, it’s simply shining a light to show greater potentials. That’s all.

Benching is truly about acceptance, accepting everyone, even that little tree, the smaller tree. Yes, accepting that it’s a smaller tree. There is no sorrow in benching. Do you realize that? No sorrow

Shoud 6

Dive Deep

What that sign means is that it’s time for you to really dive deeply into your Realization, into staying here on the planet, into going through what you’re going through. Tough at times, yes, it is. Yes, it is. But dive deep into it. Sometimes there’s a tendency to just want to get out of it, to say you’re going to isolate yourself from the world, or sometimes where you’re not really sure whether you want to stay or leave. That was a phenomenon that we had, particularly, oh, five, ten years ago,

“Do I really want to stay here on the planet right now?”

And what happens with that is you’re not really quite sure, so you’re really not here, and you’re not there. You’re kind of in between. You’ve kind of shut things off, and it’s kind of a no man’s land. And what this one sign from this one Shaumbra is saying is “Dive deep.” Dive deep into the experience of what is going on on the planet right now, into your own Realization or about-to-be Realization.

The planet is never, ever going to go through what it’s going through right now ever again. These are all one-time deals. You don’t want to miss out on it. And that’s why I invited all these Shaumbra in today to be part of this and to cheer you on for what you’re doing and to tell you “Dive deep.” To tell you “Go for it right now.”

Your Light

Perhaps the most significant thing – and I never used to talk about it upfront – the most significant thing in shining your light is you shine it upon yourself. You shine it upon you.

Shine it onto yourself first, and that dynamic, again, changes everything

And, you know, Earth is the best place of all to laugh

you should be able to laugh about yourself. I mean, that’s the greatest thing. I can laugh about all of you (Adamus chuckles), so you should be able to laugh at yourself.

So, the reason why I mention near death experiences right now is because when you have a near death experience and you go into that light, everything seems to be in oneness. Everything seems to be together. You go into that light, that’s you.

And then you stop worrying about the little things. You stop worrying about, let’s say, abundance. Oh, that was such a big thing with Shaumbra and still is a thing, but not nearly as big. The abundance issue, it’s all right there, and you start to realize it’s in your light.

And you don’t do the benching, you don’t shine the light to try to get abundance, because that’s an agenda. That’s an agenda. But it’s a natural byproduct of it, you see. If you sit on the bench trying to get abundance, it’s not going to work. As a matter of fact, it will push it further away, because you’re trying rather than just allowing and accepting

you’re shining light, your light, and it casts itself upon you first, and the natural byproduct of that is it then brings in your light body.

So, you simply radiate your light and that’s it, and the first thing that it goes to is yourself, parts of yourself you don’t even know yet. You’re radiating it saying, “All is well.” What was the line? “Walking through heaven or hell, all is well.”

Shining your light is not a power tool.

The results are profound, but you don’t do it for the results. And that’s the paradox in the situation

Take a good deep breath! There’s nothing to work on anymore. If I’m not mistaken, I think in our last session I said, “No more processing, counseling, healing, whatever methods.” You’re here. You are here. They are there. They left early and there are some regrets, but you are here.


One of the main things right now that is going to be happening with you, with other Shaumbra; some of you have felt it already and you’re maybe a bit unnerved by it, but it’s happening and it’ll continue to happen for a little bit. You’re basically developing a new identity. A whole new identity. And I question whether even to call it an identity, but there’s not another really appropriate word that fits.

You’ve had the identity for a long time now as a human, of course,

and your identity could be masculine, feminine.

You could identify with being younger or older.

You can identify with being wealthy or somewhere in the middle or broke.

 And you dress your identity in a certain way

Your identity is contained in your voice.

Your identity has to do with the foods you eat

read certain books

You sleep in a certain way, and it supports your identity. The sleep patterns, the way you sleep, how deeply you sleep and

what you dream are all identity-reenforcing things that you do.

The way you look,

the way you groom yourself is supporting that identity

also based on your family biology and your ancestral background, that that identity will carry over into another lifetime.

Their education,

their job, it’s all part of an identity

It then restricts you. But yet, if somebody was to come and start taking parts of your identity away from you, oh, you get furious. You get angry about it, because this is who you identify yourself as.

So you’re developing a whole new identity, but this identity is fluid. It’s flexible. This identity can change from moment to moment. But the biggest thing about it it’s multilayer, multilevel. It’s the And that we’ve talked about. It’s you being a human and a Master.

But what’s really happening is the other layers and levels are now coming into being as you shine your light. As you shine your light without agenda, what happens is that light goes to all the other potentials for your transhuman, for your beyond-human identity

And there are so many I couldn’t even begin to describe them, but it’s the All of you. It’s the I Am, not justthe human. It’s the “I Am that I Am, All that I Am.” And, yes, it’s the Master, but I do have to pause on that for a moment, because there’s been misunderstanding about even the term “Master” with some of you.

We’re allowing the human to be human, and the design of the human, the purpose of the human is to be in experience. And that’s why I opened by saying, “Dive deep.” Your job as the human is to be in that experience, and it’s not the human that is desiring enlightenment or Realization. Not at all

“I give up on trying to maintain my old identity. I give up on power building. I give up on trying to be a superhuman being. I simply allow myself.” And you shine that light and it shines it onto the true Master – who’s not the human – the true Master. It is you, but not just your human identity. It goes so far beyond.

And we’re not diminishing the human at all. We are freeing the human in doing this. As your identity begins to change – all a natural process; you don’t have to work at it, you don’t have to go and start destroying parts of your old identity – as this happens, it’s unsettling at times, because you’ve so closely identified with the human.

Even your spiritual quest was what you thought – the human tried to take it over. You identified yourself as a spiritual being or on the spiritual path, which you never really were. So, all this changes your identity, and there is a very unsettled, odd, almost like a feeling of getting vertigo,

These are natural parts of yourself, your divinity, your Master being, your energy, your wisdom, all of these things, far too numerous to name at this point and don’t try to name them. You just allow them.

You know, it’s like when you see that white light during a near-death experience, “Oh, that’s Jesus.” Nah, it was you.

suddenly it reverses and suddenly you’re watching the human through the Master’s perspective.

shining your light and that light goes to you first. It’s illuminating parts of you that were always there, but you were never aware of

Global Affairs, Four Main Energy Dynamics

1 – Sovereignty

2 – Truth

3 – Energy

4 – Power

So, one of the things I see as a result of some light shining around the planet without agenda, I see that countries and people around the world are getting together in unity to say, “No more. No more.” And whether it’s Russia, whether it’s China, whether it’s United States of America or any other country saying,

“No more of the power games. It’s got to come to an end now.”

No more wars with arms where people get killed. Humans are sick enough of it, but they weren’t sick enough enough of it. They got complacent. But with some light shining upon the real potentials right now on the planet, perhaps, perhaps there’ll be a very interesting outcome in all this.

And, again, we’ve got to do it without agenda. But I’m just saying there’s a variety of different scenarios right now, and you can imagine, when the light shines upon them, you can imagine which ones may come to the surface and become reality

Let’s take a deep breath and allow that shift of identity in yourself, that opening to all that you truly are. Again, not trying to aggrandize the human, but to open up to all of you – your energy, your soul, your wisdom, your potentials, your multidimensional Self.

The human is simply a facet of all that you are

As the human shines their light, it illuminates all these other facets to who they are

But once I’d done that, I realized that the human identity, as the human would try to shape it, is not truth. It is not truth and it is not sovereignty. The human identity is, at best, an act of consciousness, and at worst an abomination. An abomination of truth and of the wholeness of the being of one’s self.

Once I freed myself from my identity, then I was free to know myself, all parts of myself. I was free then to have acts of consciousness without creating – what would you say – a very overly defined identity.

 I was able to really shift and change my act, my identity any time. I was truly free of the bondage of an identity.

Shoud 7

As you shine your light, you may notice also some things happening in your life. Things like doubt starting to go away

You stop worrying about things that probably are never going to happen anyway. You begin to truly understand the meaning of “I Exist.” You understand awareness.

all the energies change and adjust and flow in a very synchronous and a very personal way

 I would say the biggest turning point – we’ve had a lot of them – the biggest Point of Separation with Shaumbra came in the summer of 2020

It was a combination of COVID. It was a combination of so many Shaumbra around the world just taking a deep breath and acknowledging their Realization. Just, “I am realized.” That’s it.

Communications Communications are at the core of just about everything – just about everything – as you know from our discussions that energy is communications. It’s no longer e=mc2 , it’s e=c, “c” being communications. Same difference – energy and communications

Nella formula, la velocità della luce è elevata al quadrato: letteralmente, l’energia è uguale alla massa moltiplicata per il quadrato della velocità della luce.

Un corpo, ad esempio un pianeta, con una massa intrinseca, potrebbe disintegrarsi, o meglio, trasformarsi in un enorme quantitativo di energia ,se dovesse raggiungere la velocità della luce elevata al quadrato


Communications isn’t just that constant chattering you’re getting through your texting – I think you call it, or sexting for some – or through the Internet, through all these things. That is a form of communications. But we’re coming down to the core, the ability to perceive and the ability to then emanate, radiate through your angelic senses. It’s so much easier, so much faster, so much fuller and more rewarding, and it’s all then riding on or playing with energy, because that’s what energy is. Now, I’ve said that soon the world is going to start to understand that energy is nothing more than communications, and the timing on this is ideal, because right now energy is associated with power.


So, people think in terms of energy, they think in terms of power. They think in terms of not having enough energy or power and then they’re trying to get it. We’re reversing that. We’re shining our light and bringing into consciousness that energy is nothing more than a communication. It doesn’t talk. It’s doesn’t chatter. It doesn’t tell you what to do. If you want to really boil it down, it’s simply stating, “I Exist. I Exist.” And, furthermore, the energy is all yours


They’re also looking for truth, and good lord knows that in this day and age, where do you find truth? Where do you find truth?


There’s one place. It’s within yourself. And if you’re shining your light, you’re also communing with yourself and you also intuitively know the truth, and you’re not going to get caught up in all the other junk that’s flying around.


Nassim Haramein, yes. LINDA: Physicist.


ADAMUS: Yes. Yeah, good. And he’s controversial because of his methods, but his methods need to be so, because he doesn’t want to get stuck in the quagmire of the existing old system.


LINDA: Where is he from? I couldn’t figure out where he’s from.


ADAMUS: Just go ahead.


LINDA: Okay. “The existence of this intelligent and orderly cosmos is that the structure of creation is intricate and communicates on every scale.”


ADAMUS: Okay. It communicates on every scale. The structure, the system, this universe communicates on every scale. Good.


LINDA: Okay. “This communication fuels an information exchange dynamic – feedforward, feedback or information feedback loop – that allows the system to learn about itself and evolve and become self-aware.”


ADAMUS: Become self-aware. So basically, what Nassim is saying is that there’s this massive communication going on. It’s not dead space. It’s not stupid particles. Everything is communicating. Now, what he doesn’t know yet, but we’ll help him, is that it’s all your energy to begin with. That’ll be a big revelation. But what he’s saying is everything is interconnected in its communications.


Now, his next step will be to come out sometime this year with the theory that energy is communications or vice versa, communications are energy. This is the first step in what we’ve been doing for a long time in talking about – and if I could see this quote again – but saying that everything communicates on every scale.


 Everything within your body, everything within your reality is communicating. Everything is interconnected within you, within your oneness and this is amazing. And the communication, it fuels this information exchange and allows the system to learn about itself and evolve and become self-aware. Well, that sounds something like straight out of the Adamus playbook, and it might be


Understanding how to communicate back in your natural state without words or pictures, and eventually you can use that. But it’s time to get back to that understanding of how to do it. And that realizing your entire body right now is communicating with all the neurons and all the cells and molecules. They’re all communicating. Everything in your reality. The air right there is all communicating. It doesn’t have to be a particle to communicate. It doesn’t have to be able to talk or sing or write letters or anything like that. It’s all communicating right now. It’s all yours, and you’re right in the midst of it.


Ultimately, it all comes down to one very core thing, one core thing – awareness. Awareness. Awareness is the greatest gift you’ll ever have. Awareness is the greatest gift, and it starts with the “I Exist. I am aware. I Exist.”


 If you didn’t exist, you couldn’t be aware that you exist. So, it’s so basic, so core – “I Exist.” And then “I Am that I Am,” basically meaning that you are everything that you’ve ever done or thought or could be or would be, but all in the Now moment. Awareness, the greatest gift that you have.


You think, “Oh, every little atom is communicating.” It’s not overwhelming, and they’re not trying to tell you what to do. Get over that. They will never tell you what to do. You’re the one that chooses. Even the I Am or the soul doesn’t tell you what to do. But you can reconnect with Self, you can really get yourself back in a balance by allowing the reconnection with the soul, because it’s you. It’s everything. It’s your wisdom. It’s your energy. But none of these things are going to tell you what to do, and I don’t want to hear that anymore. I know we got past the whole thing with spirit guides, but now you’re saying, “Well, my soul told me to do this or that.” No, it doesn’t. The soul is there as a constant light, as a reassurance, as a reservoir of all your energy and your wisdom and your potentials. But it won’t say “do this” or “do that.” That’s up to you. That’s up to you, and you can bring in your wisdom to help you to make those choices, but ultimately, it’s up to you.


Awareness in the Now


You can shine your light, which is the greatest way of releasing pain to begin with in the first place.


Ultimately, it all comes down to what I call the present moment or the Now. They’re not in the Now. They’re not present. And the only place anything ever happens is the Now. There are no communications outside of the present moment. There are only memories of the past and wondering or perceptions about what the future may be. But there are no communications. Everything communicates in the Now moment. You want communication? You be in the present moment.

The present moment is where everything is, including your past lives. They’re really not in the past. The present moment is where all the abundance is. It is not in the future. It is not in the future. The present moment is where your health is, if you have health issues. The health isn’t in the past when you were younger. It’s not in the future when you think you might have a miracle cure. You want a miracle cure? Get in the present moment, because this is where all the awareness, all the communication, all the receiving and all the gifts are – right here.


Your past lives are in the present moment, although you may not realize it. You have some type of blinder that’s on. Your future potentials are actually not in the future. They’re here right now. They’re just waiting. It’s like your present moment is a huge vast, let’s say, reality landscape, beautiful reality landscape just waiting for you. So it’s all here right now. There is no time. I mean, there is time if you wear a watch, but there is no real time. Therefore, when you consider – when you’ve considered in the past – the infinity or eternity, it seems like a long, long, long, long time. You think about eternity. Can you imagine being married to somebody for eternity? I mean, that’s a long time.


When you contemplate eternity, the mind can’t. It just goes on and on and on. Unless you realize it all occurs in this present moment. Unless it’s happening right now. When you consider it that way, eternity isn’t very long at all. It’s all right here. Eternity doesn’t stretch out into some vast outer space going on and on. Eternity is right here. And that’s when I say you were never birthed; you never had an angelic spiritual birth. You did [as] humans, but you weren’t suddenly come into existence by the wave of the hand of some God, and you never go out of existence, because it’s all right here. How could you have a past or a future when it’s all right here? All gifts from you to yourself, from your soul to you are right here, right now.


It’s all right here, the present moment. Everything. There are no communications outside of the present moment. There’s no healing outside of the present moment. No abundance outside of this. This is it. This is why it’s so imperative right now to be aware in the present moment. So imperative right now to communicate in the present moment and to shine your light in the present moment


I realize it’s very easy to get caught in the trap of past and future and linear reality, but it simply isn’t that way. Reality is circular. It’s all in the present moment. All your past lives


You can’t really go into your past by going backwards in time, but you can sense all these other expressions. You can communicate with them in the present moment. It’s all right here. All of your abundance is right here. Some of you are still searching, “Where is the abundance? Where is it? I can’t find it.” Because you’re looking out there.


The light that shines from a far distant planet doesn’t come from two million light years away, unless all you are aware of is linear reality. But, no, that light is shining in the moment. What is perceived as a star or a solar system two million light years away is not really out there. Oh, of course, the instruments that humans use for measurement would argue otherwise, but, no, it’s actually all right here. That distant planet is actually all right here. It has to be. There’s nothing outside of the present moment, except memories or perhaps hopes. Memories of the past and hopes of what may come, but you find out that all those hopes, all what you would choose to be is right here in the present moment. There’s nothing communicating from the past. It’s all right here. It’s the circular reality.



Today, we’re going to be doing a DreamWalk. It’ll be a fairly long DreamWalk, and during that DreamWalk, we, together, are going to be shining our light into darkness. We’re going to be going deep into the heart of darkness or perhaps the bowels of darkness, and shining the light, doing what you really came here to the planet to do.


We’re not going in to try to do anything other than to be a light in the darkness, and ultimately, as you know, there is truly no darkness or light. But there are things that are lacking in consciousness and awareness. They’re lacking in the ability to see and to perceive potentials, and that’s what we call darkness in this case. They’re in a very hurtful space, a very painful space – physically, mentally – and that’s what we call darkness here


The light is simply consciousness. Consciousness. The only thing that actually really, really matters is consciousness. It’s the purest of all things – your consciousness, your I Am. Without it there would be no energy. There would be no particles. There would be no light. There would be no reality whatsoever


So what we’re really doing is bringing consciousness to the areas that are closed off, that are covered up, the areas that are so full of pain that they simply don’t see the great potentials that are there for them, whether it’s individuals, whether it’s the planet. We’re going to bring our light, not to be intrusive, not to force any change, not to make one believe like you believe, but simply to illuminate.


DreamWalk Into Darkness


9 Shoud


after the wisdomizing that Shaumbra is going through, now it’s a time to understand the physics, which we’re talking about, the metaphysics of reality and the illusions of reality. We’re talking about time and space. We’re talking about going beyond. We’re talking about multiple realities at the same time. We’re talking about what it’s really like to choose your destiny, rather than just have it happen to you. So we’re going into this whole part now of really understanding the physics, and they’re brilliant. They’re pretty simple. You don’t have to be a physicist. As a matter of fact, the physics, the metaphysics that we’re talking about are more poetic than they are scientific. Science is great, I love science, but science looks at its own self. It observes what it thinks it’s observing. We go poetic with our metaphysics, talking about what light is, what energy is, how things coalesce into matter, and then ultimately how not your mind and not even so much your beliefs but your consciousness will create your reality for you. That’s what we’re doing now. A lot of physics, metaphysics of life itself


We had to do that, but why you’re really here is to shine your light, to bench, to be that presence on the planet right now. You knew that the planet was going to need it. You knew that this was the epic time.


Effects of Your Light


Your light causes events to happen faster. Time doesn’t necessarily change, but it will. It’s not time that’s going faster. It’s the sequence of events that’s going faster. Your light is causing that

Humans might go digital. They might be totally augmented. It might be a test tube biological variation of the biology you have right now. It might be total robotics. Doesn’t matter. It’s what you’re embedding your consciousness into. So it doesn’t really matter if it’s this biology or not.

Cancer of the body is simply miscommunications of the body’s communication network, often caused by things like hate and anger. That’s all it is

– that energy is just a song. That’s all it is. A song, a communication.” And the rest look at him like he’s nuts, like he’s crazy. But then he does something even unexpected of himself. He starts singing, “Energy is just communication.”


 The Theory of Relativity, do you ever wonder why it was called that? You thought it was about your relatives? (Adamus chuckles) No, no, no, no. The Theory of Relativity, why was it called that? It was relative. Einstein said, and it’s not really been published or focused on a lot, that it all depends on the observer. That’s why it’s relative, and it can change. And it can change. That and some good light, and it will change. Oh! Well, I get a little off course here


No, I’d love to talk about dreams, because they’re not what people think they are. There’s so much happening in dreams. Number one, dreams are a big stage. You go act out different things. You test it before you bring it in here. Oftentimes, you bring it here and then it deviates from what you rehearsed up there, but you try out different scenarios. You put on different actor’s outfits, different clothing, different attitudes and test out different outcomes, and then you see if you can bring it here. Now, that’s the trick and that’s where most get stuck is bringing it back here when you’re faced with this reality, mass consciousness, and not remembering your frickin’ dream in the first place. Then it goes flat. It doesn’t work out. But there’s a way to connect all the dots together and bring it into here. That’s what we’ll talk about in our interview.


The physical body will heal itself. It really does. It’s been programmed from the very beginning as angelic beings …


Light, Dark and Evil


Tobias said (here), “Your darkness is your divinity,” meaning that it’s really a place that it’s just holding all the crap you don’t love about yourself. It’s a place you don’t want to go to.


statues of Archangel Mikael holding the sword, like we’re all going to go and fight the dark. That sword is simply the suffering of Self, simply the fear of darkness


10 Shoud


Remember the Magnitude – Merabh


Our next Series is going to be titled “Alt” – A-l-t – Alt, as in alternative realities, alternative probabilities and potentials, alternative dimensions, alternative paths for doing things. Alt. It’s also A-l-t, the real original name for Atlantis, Alt. So, where we’re going in that next Series, there’s truly no room for the garbage. The garbage


Interesting to note that America was set up not with Christian principles, but rather with Masonic principles. Deep at the core of this country, etched into so many of the monuments in Washington, D.C. and other places around the country are Masonic principles. That doesn’t mean they oppose Christian principles, but there’s a lot who think this is a Christian country. But if you go into the Overhead Consciousness, the big view, it was the Masonic principles, and those principles are based on sacred energies and freedom. Ultimately, freedom. Now, that being said, the Masons of today are not like the ones back then and, yes, I was part of that. There are groups who remain very quiet, very, very quiet, who still carry on the pure Masonic and what were originally the pure Christian values. And, to me, that was probably the best of all – the Gnostic, Masonic principles. The principles of the Christian church prior to about 350 A.D.; that combined with Mason principles and the Masonic understandings of astrology and geometry and the real sciences of energy are outstanding, and they’re still here at the core of this country. But ultimately, about freedom


Oh, the economy. The economy is one of those, again, reflections of what’s happening on the planet. And one thing I’m going to tell each and every one of you: Do not worry about the economy falling apart. It may; it may not (laughter). Don’t worry about it, because it shouldn’t affect you. No, it shouldn’t. It should not affect you. You should be in a higher consciousness. You shouldn’t be down there in the gutters and the pits with the rest of humans worrying about every day is the economy going to fall apart. Eh, it’s fallen apart before, it’ll fall apart again, and then each time it evolves. It goes to a whole new level. It’s changing, certainly, and it had to. The momentum for all these things that are happening on the planet – the economy, which, in a large part, is changing because of what? COVID. A huge change for the economy


– the Overhead Consciousness is it doesn’t matter if you have a body. You can embody your consciousness, your being, into anything. Ultimately, it’s light. It’s not biology. It’s not carbon based. You don’t disappear when you die. Dying is such a frickin’ relief sometimes (Adamus chuckles), but people are afraid of death. So they stuff themselves more in their body and their body hurts, and it’s like, no, the Overhead Consciousness is you can embody in anything you want, whether it’s carbon based, your biology; whether it’s technology, which I talk about in the soon upcoming on July 14th ProGnost Update. It doesn’t matter.


Where we’re going in our next Series, into Alt, is many alternative potential realities that can be taking place simultaneously here on this planet or in other places.


e the Bill of Rights or the Declaration of Independence, and this will serve as a guide for Masters, embodied Masters on the planet

we’ll call it the “Acknowledgement of Embodied Masters Rights” or just “Embodied Masters Rights.”


1 You have the right to abundance

2 Safe to be who you are

3 Balanced physical biology

4 The right to be in life experience and to get out when I choose

5The right to die like you want or the right to a dignified death

6 You have the right to no old relationships

7 You have the right to freedom, freedom from abuse

8 a right to conscious connection with your soul every day, every moment

9 The right to humor in any situation

10 the right at any moment to turn those over to wisdom.


And maybe that will help them to ultimately understand that it’s ultimately all about consciousness and energy.

You have the right to have your energy serve you however you want.







11 Shoud


I say all this and it’s certainly not a pep talk – heh! – but it’s a reality on the planet right now, and you need to understand that it is not yours, unless you want it to be. You want it to be, I’m not going to try to take it away, but this is what the planet is going through. And, oddly enough, it’s all very appropriate at this incredible time of changing. You’re going to see it in technology. You’re going to see it in physics. You’re going to see it in just every part of life changing so quickly. The way children come into this planet, the birthing process itself, you’re going to see all this, everything change. What were the old stable pillars of life that you could always rely on – even if everything else was changing, you have these pillars of life that you knew were going to be there – they’re going away, and people are desperate. People are desperate.


You’ve gone through the hell, and now you realize it’s not really necessary.


Oh, benching, Art of Benching. So it was really for you. Your light is always shining on this planet. The moment that you made the decision to come back here in this lifetime and do what you’re doing, whether you were in your darkest days or not, you’re still shining a light, and we’re going to continue on with that.




We’re going to go into the Alt Series, and “Alt” means several different things. It’s variable, multiple realities


We’re going to find out in Alt that there are so many realities and so many different ways of playing in the reality. But the big question is how do you want to play? Joy or suffering?


Alt is also the original name of Atlantis.



Rights of a Master


 I Am Safe, always with my natural protection.


 I Am an Open Expression, without need to explain or limit.


I Am Free, without karma, guilt or shame.


I Am Beauty, and sensuality.


I Am that I Am, not mass consciousness, nor my ancestors, past lives, angelic families, or projections of others.


I Am aware of my Soul Senses, as well as my human senses.


 I Am Joy, in every cell in my body and thought in my mind.


I Am Relaxed, at long last.


I Am in Physical Harmony, with my physical and light body.


I Am Beyond Death, as the human condition once knew it.


I Own my Secret Garden, in the deep sanctuary of my soul.


I Am a Master, and I define that reality.


So you’ve got these beautiful senses. Let’s bring them in. And how do you do that? You just allow it. We’ll talk about it, I’ll give some explanation of what these other senses are, but we’re going to start weaving them right in, and it makes life so much more rewarding and fulfilling and fun and exciting and magical. You’ve got your human senses, great, but let’s integrate some of these others to make life experience for the remaining time you have here on the planet that much more special. So you have the right to your soul senses.


You’re beyond death. I’d go so far as to say you already died. In the true energetic way of the physical human condition, you’ve already died. You’ve already gone through that

“I don’t want to die in an undignified way.”

You have the right to leave whenever you want, and you do have the right to leave how you want. You really do, if you accept that right. If you just look at it on the wall and say, “Well, that sounds good.” I’m talking about accepting that. You have the right to die

Die with dignity. Die with humor. Die going out in a flame. Die telling jokes or eating a big meal.


When you just walk out, it’s not suicide. You’re not destroying your body or your brain. You are choosing consciously to leave. So it brings up such an issue about staying, about going forth


Do you choose to stay, and therefore, do you choose to have your energy serve you? Or do you want to leave? There’s no in-between